Growth Coaching FAQ

What is Growth Coaching?

Growth Coaching helps you discover a better way to live. One of the most effective ways to grow is through intentional, forward-focused conversations with a coach. Your trained Growth Coach asks questions that help you explore the biggest questions you’re facing. Here are just a few of the topics we’ve helped people explore:

  • Navigating change & transition
  • Establishing healthy habits
  • Making wise career choices
  • Taking on a major project
  • Nurturing healthy relationships
  • Dealing with stress
  • Identifying purpose
  • Building on personal strengths
  • Pursuing spiritual growth

Coaching is not counseling, mentoring, or consulting. Coaching is a series of question-based conversations between a trained coach and someone open to pursuing growth and progress in their life. Coaching evokes new awareness, opens up possibilities, and leaves you with a practical, doable action plan.

What can I expect at my coaching sessions/conversations?

Plan on 3-6 conversations, about an hour each. These can take place over the phone, on Zoom, or in person, based on what works for you and your coach. Your coach will provide more information about the coaching process, answer any questions you have, and start to ask questions to get you thinking about what growth is most immediately important to you. You may have a pretty good idea when you start or you may come in without much of a sense of what you want to change. Either way is fine! There’s no commitment to continue in coaching if you feel that it’s not a good fit going forward.

Do I have to be a Christian?

Nope. We’re Christians, and we’re not trying to hide that. We believe God cares about every aspect of our lives. And we believe that what Jesus taught allows us to live better. But you don’t need to share that faith commitment in order to get coaching. We invite you to put a new way of living to the test even if you think the theology behind it is nonsense! A spirit of openness and exploration is really helpful, and the decisions about the changes you want to make are always in your hands.

What does it cost?

Just some time, openness, and effort.

What’s the catch?

Redeemer Church is a not-for-profit supported by financial donations from individuals/families and short-term grants from partner organizations. In order to be sustainable long-term, we’re dependent on financial support from people who participate and find our work together to be transformative. Our purpose is to build a Christian community (church) of people who are growing together and becoming more than the sum of their parts through God’s work. We’ll never be fee-for-service, but we absolutely do need financial support to make this work!

How do I make an appointment?

Click here and one of our pastors or coaches will be in touch within the week.